Whuch European colonial power is having disputeswith Gibraltar

The United Kingdom is currently experiencing disputes with Spain over the sovereignty of Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory located on the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. Spain has long claimed sovereignty over Gibraltar and there have been ongoing disagreements between the two countries over the territory's status.

Rewrite that into 2 simple and short sentences

Spain is currently disputing the sovereignty of Gibraltar with the United Kingdom. The two countries have opposing claims over the British Overseas Territory.

Add 1 more sentence into that

There have been ongoing disagreements between Spain and the United Kingdom regarding the status of Gibraltar.

You know what rewrite all that into 3 short and simple sentences

Spain and the United Kingdom are currently disputing the sovereignty of Gibraltar. The two countries have opposing claims over the British Overseas Territory, leading to ongoing disagreements. The status of Gibraltar remains a point of contention between Spain and the United Kingdom.