Match the following using chart

1.The amount absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds assumption that ten percent of the energy is transferred to the next trophic level
3. A relatively low albedo exhibited by grass
4. The amount actually used in photosynthesis
5. The amount reflected by clouds, dust, and water surface
6. Absorbed by earth, plays a role in climate
7.a very high albedo exhibited by ice and snow
8.g/ms^2 ; J’s

The chart is
A.30% of sun energy
B.rule of 10
C.unit for biomass and energy
D.19% of sun energy
E.50% of sun energy
G.18-25% albedo
H.1-2% of sun energy

1 - D. 19% of sun energy

2 - B. rule of 10
3 - F. 80-90% albedo
4 - H. 1-2% of sun energy
5 - E. 50% of sun energy
6 - A. 30% of sun energy
7 - G. 18-25% albedo
8 - C. unit for biomass and energy