Describe the means by which Spain attempted to defend and spread Catholicism at home and abroad.

(4 points)
200 word limit

At home, Spain attempted to defend and spread Catholicism through the Spanish Inquisition, a powerful institution established in the late 15th century by the Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella. The Inquisition was responsible for rooting out heresy, enforcing religious orthodoxy, and punishing those who deviated from Catholic teachings. This strict control over religious beliefs helped to maintain the dominance of Catholicism in Spain and prevent the spread of Protestantism.

Abroad, Spain relied on a combination of military conquest and religious evangelization to spread Catholicism. Spanish explorers and conquistadors established colonies in the Americas, Africa, and Asia, where they imposed Catholicism on the indigenous populations through force and coercion. Missionaries were also sent to these colonies to convert the native peoples to Catholicism and establish Christian communities. The Catholic Church played a key role in this process, providing support and oversight for the missionary efforts of the Spanish empire.

Overall, Spain used a combination of military might, religious institutions, and missionary zeal to defend and spread Catholicism at home and abroad during the early modern period.