Your friend, John, is registered for the module LPRC1512. Based on how you learned to calculate Notional Learning hours. How much time does Moses have to spend on LPRC1512 per week?





Based on the general rule of 10 Notional Learning Hours per credit, we can calculate the number of Notional Learning Hours for LPRC1512:

LPRC1512 has 5 credits (as mentioned in the module code), so the total Notional Learning Hours for LPRC1512 would be:

5 credits x 10 Notional Learning Hours per credit = 50 Notional Learning Hours

Since Moses has to spend 50 Notional Learning Hours on LPRC1512, and there are 7 days in a week, we can calculate the amount of time he needs to spend per week:

50 Notional Learning Hours / 7 days = approximately 7.14 hours per day

Therefore, Moses needs to spend approximately 7.14 hours per day on LPRC1512. Given the options provided, the closest answer would be 7, which is not listed as an option. So the best answer would be 7.5 hours per week.