Describe how a performance feedback given in the presence of other people may make someone

feel. (5 marks)

1. Embarrassed: The individual may feel embarrassed when receiving performance feedback in the presence of others as their shortcomings or areas for improvement are being discussed publicly.

2. Vulnerable: Being critiqued in front of others can make the individual feel exposed and vulnerable, as they may feel that their weaknesses are being highlighted for everyone to see.

3. Defensive: The individual may become defensive when receiving feedback in a group setting, as they may feel the need to justify their actions or provide excuses for their performance.

4. Pressure: Being evaluated in front of others can create a sense of pressure on the individual to perform better or meet certain expectations, leading to feelings of stress and anxiety.

5. Self-conscious: The presence of others during performance feedback can make the individual self-conscious about their performance and abilities, causing them to doubt themselves and their capabilities.