Solve for s. You must write your answer in fully simplified form. −15 = − 9s

s = 15/9

s = 5/3

Solve for r. 10 = (r/-8 this is a fraction)

To solve the equation 10 = r / -8 for r, we need to multiply both sides of the equation by -8 to isolate r.

10 = r / -8
-8 * 10 = -8 * (r / -8)
-80 = r

Therefore, the solution is r = -80.

−10 = (r/−4 this is a fraction)

To solve the equation -10 = r / -4 for r, we need to multiply both sides by -4 to isolate r.

-10 = r / -4
-4 * (-10) = -4 * (r / -4)
40 = r

Therefore, the solution is r = 40.

Solve for s and simplify your answer. 2 = - (6/5s this is a fraction)

To solve the equation 2 = -6/5s for s, we need to isolate s.

First, we can get rid of the negative sign by multiplying both sides by -1:

2 = - 6/5s
-1 * 2 = -1 * - 6/5s
-2 = 6/5s

Next, we multiply each side by 5/6 to solve for s:

-2 = 6/5s
(5/6) * -2 = (5/6) * (6/5)s
-10/6 = s
s = -5/3

Therefore, the solution is s = -5/3.

(-3/2 this is a fraction) x =22

To solve for x in the equation (-3/2)x = 22, we need to isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by -3/2.

(-3/2)x = 22
x = 22 / (-3/2)
x = 22 * (-2/3)
x = -44/3

Therefore, the solution is x = -44/3 or x = -14 2/3.

(2/3n this is a fraction) = 12