How did Hummurubi code 214, if that female slave has died, he shall pay one-third mins of silver, affect the Babylonian people?

This law in the Code of Hammurabi had a significant impact on the Babylonian people as it governed their social and economic interactions.

Firstly, this law served as a form of deterrence against negligence or mistreatment of slaves. The penalty of paying one-third mina of silver for causing the death of a female slave highlighted the value of human life and the importance of treating slaves with care and respect. It also held individuals accountable for their actions and encouraged them to take responsibility for the well-being of their slaves.

Additionally, this law helped to regulate the Babylonian economy by establishing a set compensation amount for the loss of a slave. It provided a sense of justice and fairness in cases where a slave died due to someone else's actions. This helped to maintain social order and prevent disputes or conflicts arising from such incidents.

Overall, this particular law in the Code of Hammurabi had a dual impact on the Babylonian people by promoting ethical treatment of slaves and ensuring economic stability within the society.