simplified 3square root5c*squareroot15c^3

The simplified expression is 3√(5c) * √(15c^3).

To simplify this further, we can combine the square roots by multiplying the coefficients and combining the variables under the square root:

3√(5c) * √(15c^3) = 3√(5c * 15c^3)
= 3√(75c^4)
= 3√(25 * 3 * c^2 * c^2)
= 3√(25) * 3√(3) * c^2
= 5√(3) * c^2

Therefore, the simplified expression is 5√(3) * c^2.


I apologize for the mistake. Let's reevaluate the simplification of the expression 3√(5c) * √(15c^3).

To simplify this expression, we can combine the square roots by multiplying the numbers inside the square root and the variables outside the square root:

3√(5c) * √(15c^3) = 3√(5c * 15c^3)
= 3√(75c^4)
= 3√(25 * 3 * c^2 * c^2)
= 3 * 5c^2 * √(3)
= 15c^2√(3)

Therefore, the simplified expression is 15c^2√(3).