Forms of bullying according to social psychology

1. Physical bullying: This involves physical aggression, such as hitting, kicking, pushing, or damaging someone's belongings.

2. Verbal bullying: This includes using hurtful or derogatory language, teasing, name-calling, or spreading rumors about someone.

3. Social bullying: This involves excluding someone from a group, spreading gossip or rumors, or manipulating social relationships to harm someone's reputation.

4. Cyberbullying: This takes place online or through digital technology, such as sending hurtful messages, spreading rumors through social media, or posting embarrassing or threatening content.

5. Relational aggression: This involves using social manipulation or psychological tactics to harm someone's social relationships or reputation, such as spreading rumors, ostracizing someone, or creating social conflict.

6. Sexual bullying: This involves using sexual harassment, coercion, or intimidation to harm someone's sense of safety and well-being.

7. Racial or cultural bullying: This involves targeting someone based on their race, ethnicity, or cultural background, and using discriminatory or prejudiced language or actions to bully them.

8. Gender-based bullying: This involves targeting someone based on their gender identity or expression, using stereotypes, discrimination, or harassment to bully them.

9. Workplace bullying: This involves repeated, persistent, and harmful behavior towards a colleague or subordinate in a work environment, such as undermining their work, spreading rumors, or creating a hostile or toxic atmosphere.

10. Power-based bullying: This involves using social status, authority, or privilege to bully or intimidate someone, such as a boss bullying an employee, or a popular student bullying a less popular student.