What is the simplified form of 3 square root 5c times square root 15c cubed root?

The simplified form of 3√5c * √15c^3 is 3√(5c * 15c^3) = 3√(75c^4) = 3c√(25 * 3c) = 15c√(3c)

is there a square after 15c

Apologies for the confusion in my previous response. Let's simplify the expression again.

3√5c * √15c^3

First, simplify the square root terms:

√15c^3 = √(15 * c^3) = c√(15c^2) = c√15c

Now, multiply both terms:

3√5c * c√15c = 3c√5c * √15c = 3c√(5c * 15c) = 3c√75c^2 = 3c * 5c√3 = 15c^2√3

Therefore, the simplified form of 3√5c * √15c^3 is 15c^2√3.