Later civilisations of the east Asia unit test

1. What was the major achievement of the Qin Dynasty in China?

A. The construction of the Great Wall
B. The unification of China under one emperor
C. The development of a system of writing
D. The invention of paper

Answer: B. The unification of China under one emperor

2. Which religion was spread throughout East Asia during the Tang Dynasty?

A. Buddhism
B. Islam
C. Christianity
D. Confucianism

Answer: A. Buddhism

3. What was the significance of the invention of movable type printing in East Asia?

A. It allowed for the mass production of books and other printed materials
B. It led to the development of the printing press
C. It sped up communication and information dissemination
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

4. What was a key feature of the civil service examination system in China during the Song Dynasty?

A. It was based on family connections and wealth
B. It allowed for social mobility based on merit
C. It was only open to members of the nobility
D. It focused on military skills and prowess

Answer: B. It allowed for social mobility based on merit

5. Which country invaded and occupied Korea in the late 16th century?

A. China
B. Japan
C. Mongolia
D. Russia

Answer: B. Japan

6. How did the Japanese feudal system differ from that of medieval Europe?

A. Japanese feudal lords were appointed by the emperor
B. Japanese peasants were considered lower in social status than merchants
C. Japanese villages were self-governing and independent
D. Japanese samurai were not bound by a strict code of honor

Answer: C. Japanese villages were self-governing and independent

7. What was the purpose of the Tokugawa shogunate's policy of sakoku, or "closed country"?

A. To keep out foreign influences and maintain isolation from the outside world
B. To encourage trade and cultural exchange with other countries
C. To promote Christianity as the dominant religion in Japan
D. To expand Japan's territory through military conquest

Answer: A. To keep out foreign influences and maintain isolation from the outside world

8. What was one of the main reasons for the decline of the Ming Dynasty in China?

A. Economic instability and inflation
B. Foreign invasions and conquests
C. Plague and disease outbreaks
D. A lack of administrative reforms and corrupt government officials

Answer: D. A lack of administrative reforms and corrupt government officials

9. How did the Meiji Restoration in Japan impact the country's economy and society?

A. It brought about rapid industrialization and modernization
B. It strengthened the power of the samurai class
C. It led to the abolition of the feudal system and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy
D. It resulted in increased isolationism and closed borders

Answer: A. It brought about rapid industrialization and modernization

10. What was the significance of the Treaty of Nanjing in Chinese history?

A. It marked the end of the Opium Wars and the beginning of foreign concessions in China
B. It led to the unification of China under the Qing Dynasty
C. It granted China control over Taiwan and Hong Kong
D. It established the civil service examination system in China

Answer: A. It marked the end of the Opium Wars and the beginning of foreign concessions in China.