Supervises the development, reporting and writing of pieces that express an opinion; suggests, solicits and encourages contributions from readers.

The role of supervising opinion pieces typically involves overseeing the overall process of creating and publishing these articles. This may include assigning topics or ideas to writers, providing guidance on structure and style, and ensuring that the pieces align with the publication's editorial standards and viewpoint.

In addition to supervising the development of opinion pieces, this role may also involve working closely with writers to edit and refine their work, as well as managing deadlines and publication schedules. It may also involve collaborating with other editorial staff to coordinate the placement and promotion of opinion pieces within the publication.

Furthermore, part of the responsibility of supervising opinion pieces may involve actively seeking out contributions from readers, whether through letters to the editor, guest columns, or other forms of user-generated content. This could involve engaging with readers on social media or other platforms, hosting open submission opportunities, or actively reaching out to individuals with relevant expertise or perspectives.

Overall, the role of supervising opinion pieces is crucial in ensuring that a publication's opinion content is diverse, engaging, and representative of its audience's views. By providing guidance and support to writers, as well as actively seeking out reader contributions, the supervisor helps to create a vibrant and dynamic platform for expression and debate.