Read the passage. Then, select the text that best helps you understand the meaning of lesions.

Aphasia is a neurological disorder that affects an individual's ability to use language.
It can be characterized by difficulties with speaking, understanding speech, reading, writing, or a mix thereof. Aphasia is caused by lesions in areas of the brain responsible for language production or comprehension; these abnormal changes in tissue often occur as a result of a stroke, brain tumor, or automobile accident. As a part of treatment, speech-language pathologists can provide tools and techniques to help patients communicate, and they can also help friends and family members adapt their speech to aid in communication. Fortunately, most people with aphasia are able to recover some or all of their lost language abilities over time.

What is the meaning of lesions as used in the passage?
Diseases affecting brain tissues
Regions of the brain related to language
Language-related impairments
Injuries to body tissues due to trauma or disease

Diseases affecting brain tissues

Which sentence in the passage describes the meaning of lesions

"Aphasia is caused by lesions in areas of the brain responsible for language production or comprehension."