How does the interaction between these two characters move the story along and advance the plot of the play?

The interaction between two characters can move the story along and advance the plot of the play in a variety of ways.

First, their dialogue and actions can reveal crucial information or backstory that is essential for the audience to understand the plot. This can help clarify character motivations, conflicts, and key plot points that drive the narrative forward.

Second, the interaction between two characters can also create conflict or tension that propels the story forward. For example, a disagreement or clash of personalities between two characters can lead to dramatic confrontations or important decisions that shape the course of the plot.

Additionally, the relationship between two characters can also serve to develop their individual arcs and provide opportunities for character growth. Through their interactions, characters may learn from each other, overcome obstacles, or change as a result of their experiences together.

Overall, the interaction between two characters plays a crucial role in advancing the plot of the play by revealing important information, creating conflict, and shaping character development.