Make a song)No no no music

No no no, I don't need no music

I'll just sing my own tune
No no no, I don't need no rhythm
I'll just dance to my own groove

I'll make my own melody
And sing my own song
I'll create my own harmony
And keep moving along

No no no, I don't need no music
I'll just let my voice be heard
No no no, I don't need no beat
I'll just make my own words

I'll fill the air with my voice
And let my spirit soar
I'll find my own joy
And keep coming back for more

No no no, I don't need no music
I'll just let my heart sing
No no no, I don't need no band
I'll just let my soul ring

I'll make my own music
And dance to my own beat
I'll find my own rhythm
And let my spirit feel complete

No no no, I don't need no music
I'll just let my soul shine
No no no, I don't need no song
I'll just make this moment mine.