1)Don’t use plastic bags but you must use….. (but use …… instead?)

2)He enjoyed the results of his experiments until he murdered an old man
3)He had to find which of/among Mr Williams’s servants had stolen a ring from..
4)Civil rights for black Americans or of Black Americans
5)He said that all people, whites or blacks, have the same civil rights (should have the same ..?)
6)He knocked against the clock (correct: knocked down or over?)
7)We can use human tissue to experiment new drugs
8)I use the Internet to chat with my friends on the social network (????)
9)She all times improves (she improves all the times??)
10)She refused to give up the seat on which she was sat (sitting)
11)Animal testing means to cancel the right to life of animals (or cancelling??)
12)He downloads the answers onto his computer
13) A bandage covered in or with blood
14) He started the experiment (he did the experiment?)
15) The transformations occurred involuntarily without taking the drug

1. Use what you have in ( )

2. Fine, but put a period at the end of the sentence.

3. of

4. Either one works.

5. ... have the same ...

6. He knocked over the clock.

7. Add "with" after "exoeriment."

8. fine

9. She improves all the time.

10. She refused to give up her seat.

11. ???

12. Fine, but put a period at the end of the sentence.

13. either

14. He started = he began; he did = he is finished.

15. Fine, but put a period at the end of the sentence.

1) Don’t use plastic bags but you must use reusable bags instead.

To answer this question, the alternative to using plastic bags is reusable bags. Reusable bags are made of materials that can be used multiple times, reducing the need for single-use plastic bags.

2) He enjoyed the results of his experiments until he committed murder.
To answer this question, the story tells us that the person enjoyed the results of their experiments, but their actions took a dark turn when they committed murder. The result of their experiments does not play a role in the murder.

3) He had to find which of Mr Williams's servants had stolen a ring from...
To answer this question, the person needs to determine which among Mr. Williams's servants stole a ring. In this case, "among" is the correct word to use because there are multiple servants involved and the person is trying to pinpoint the specific one who committed the theft.

4) Civil rights for black Americans or civil rights of Black Americans.
To answer this question, both options are grammatically correct. It depends on the context and preference of the speaker/writer. "Civil rights for black Americans" emphasizes the rights that are granted to black Americans, while "civil rights of Black Americans" focuses on the rights possessed by black Americans.

5) He said that all people, whites or blacks, should have the same civil rights.
To answer this question, "should have" is the correct phrase to use. It expresses the idea that all people, regardless of race, deserve to possess the same civil rights. It signifies a belief or opinion.

6) He knocked over the clock.
To answer this question, "knocked over" is the correct phrase to use. It indicates that the person accidentally caused the clock to fall down or topple.

7) We can use human tissue to experiment with new drugs.
To answer this question, "experiment with" is the correct phrase to use. It means that human tissue can be utilized for conducting experiments in the development and testing of new drugs.

8) I use the Internet to chat with my friends on the social network.
To answer this question, the phrase "on the social network" is correct. It specifies the online platform where the person chats with their friends. This could refer to a specific social media platform or website.

9) She improves all the time.
To answer this question, "improves all the time" is the correct phrase to use. It signifies that she continuously makes progress or gets better.

10) She refused to give up the seat on which she was sitting.
To answer this question, "sitting" is the correct word to use. It describes her current action of occupying the seat.

11) Animal testing means canceling the right to life of animals.
To answer this question, "canceling" is the correct word to use. It expresses the idea that animal testing denies or takes away the right to life from animals.

12) He saved the answers onto his computer.
To answer this question, the word "saved" is more suitable than "downloaded." It implies that the person stored the answers on their computer for future reference.

13) A bandage covered in blood.
To answer this question, "covered in" is the correct phrase to use. It describes a bandage that has blood on its surface.

14) He conducted the experiment.
To answer this question, "conducted the experiment" is a more appropriate phrase to use. It indicates that he performed or carried out the experiment.

15) The transformations occurred involuntarily without taking the drug.
To answer this question, "occurred involuntarily" is the correct phrase to use. It implies that the transformations took place without any deliberate action on the part of the person or without the use of the drug.