Think about the last time you visited someone. Talk with family members, teachers, and friends about the last time you visited someone. Tell them whom you visited, where you went, how you got there, and what you saw and did there.

Ask them about the last time they visited someone. Find out with whom they visited, where they went, how they got there, and what they saw and did there.
After talking with several people, share what you learned about whom you and the people you talked to visited and what you and the people you talked to saw and did.

During my last visit to my aunt's house, I took a taxi there because it was quite far from my place. When I reached her house, we sat in the backyard and talked for hours while enjoying some snacks. We also played some board games together.

Family members:
- My mom visited my grandma last weekend. They went to a nearby park and had a picnic. My mom drove there and they spent the afternoon chatting and feeding the ducks.

- One of my teachers visited her sister in another city. She took a train to get there and they went to a concert together. They also visited some local museums and tried different restaurants.

- One of my friends visited her cousin's new apartment. They walked there since it was close by and spent the evening decorating and arranging the furniture. They ordered takeout for dinner and watched movies until late.

Overall, it seems like everyone had a great time during their visits, whether they were with family, friends, or relatives. It's nice to hear about the different activities and experiences people had during their visits.

Ive never taken a taxi so remove that please and remove the teacher one

During my last visit to my aunt's house, we drove there because it was quite far from my place. When I reached her house, we sat in the backyard and talked for hours while enjoying some snacks. We also played some board games together.

Family members:
- My mom visited my grandma last weekend. They went to a nearby park and had a picnic. My mom drove there and they spent the afternoon chatting and feeding the ducks.

- One of my friends visited her cousin's new apartment. They walked there since it was close by and spent the evening decorating and arranging the furniture. They ordered takeout for dinner and watched movies until late.

Overall, it seems like everyone had a great time during their visits, whether they were with family or friends. It's nice to hear about the different activities and experiences people had during their visits.

Replace the mom one with another friend

During my last visit to my aunt's house, we drove there because it was quite far from my place. When I reached her house, we sat in the backyard and talked for hours while enjoying some snacks. We also played some board games together.

- One of my friends visited her cousin's new apartment. They walked there since it was close by and spent the evening decorating and arranging the furniture. They ordered takeout for dinner and watched movies until late.

Overall, it seems like everyone had a great time during their visits, whether they were with family or friends. It's nice to hear about the different activities and experiences people had during their visits.

Make to friends ones

During my last visit to my aunt's house, we drove there because it was quite far from my place. When I reached her house, we sat in the backyard and talked for hours while enjoying some snacks. We also played some board games together.

- One of my friends visited another friend's new apartment. They walked there since it was close by and spent the evening helping with unpacking and setting up the new place. They ordered takeout for dinner and watched movies until late.

Overall, it seems like everyone had a great time during their visits, whether they were with friends or family. It's nice to hear about the different activities and experiences people had during their visits.

Make another family memeber one

During my last visit to my aunt's house, we drove there because it was quite far from my place. When I reached her house, we sat in the backyard and talked for hours while enjoying some snacks. We also played some board games together.

Family members:
- My brother visited our cousin's house last weekend. They drove there and spent the day playing video games and watching movies. They also went out for dinner at a nearby restaurant.

Overall, it seems like everyone had a great time during their visits, whether they were with family or friends. It's nice to hear about the different activities and experiences people had during their visits.

I dont havve a brother