A train left Jonah's town and traveled for 4 hours and 54 minutes to Lancaster. Then it traveled 3 hours and 26 minutes and arrived in Richmond at 5:36 A.M. What time did the train leave Jonah's town?

To calculate the time the train left Jonah's town, we need to work backwards from the arrival time in Richmond.

If the train arrived in Richmond at 5:36 AM and traveled for 3 hours and 26 minutes, it means it left Lancaster at 2:10 AM (5:36 AM - 3 hours 26 minutes).

Before that, the train traveled for 4 hours and 54 minutes from Jonah's town to Lancaster. Therefore, it left Jonah's town at 9:16 PM (2:10 AM - 4 hours 54 minutes).

So, the train left Jonah's town at 9:16 PM.