How did the Aztecs apply their engineering skills to the challenges of living on an island?(4 points) this for final exam please help

1. Chinampas: The Aztecs created artificial islands called chinampas by building up layers of soil and vegetation on top of a floating raft made of reeds. These chinampas were used for agriculture and allowed the Aztecs to grow crops in the shallow waters of Lake Texcoco.

2. Causeways: The Aztecs built causeways or raised roads to connect their island capital of Tenochtitlan to the mainland. These causeways allowed for easier transportation of goods and people between the island and the surrounding areas.

3. Aqueducts: To provide clean water to the island city, the Aztecs built an intricate system of aqueducts and canals to bring water from the mainland to Tenochtitlan. This engineering feat allowed for a reliable water supply for the population.

4. Floating gardens: In addition to chinampas, the Aztecs also created floating gardens called "xochimilco" by weaving together rafts of reeds and covering them with soil. These floating gardens were used to grow flowers, vegetables, and other plants, further expanding the agricultural capabilities of the island city.

Overall, the Aztecs applied their engineering skills to overcome the challenges of living on an island by creating innovative solutions for agriculture, transportation, and water supply.

1 sentence

The Aztecs utilized chinampas, causeways, aqueducts, and floating gardens to address the challenges of living on an island, showcasing their impressive engineering prowess in adapting to their unique environment.

shorter and simpler

The Aztecs built floating gardens, causeways, and aqueducts to overcome the challenges of living on an island, showcasing their engineering skills.