You can conduct investigations to gather evidence for what plants need for photosynthesis. Bromthymol blue is an indicator of carbon dioxide. It changes color in the presence or absence of carbon dioxide. For a plant to photosynthesize, it needs to take in carbon dioxide from its environment. Bromthymol blue can indicate this by changing color. Investigations can also be conducted by placing one plant in the dark and one in the light. You can also conduct tests to see that oxygen is released in photosynthesis or to explore what factors can affect the rate of photosynthesis.

The author of the passage would most likely agree that ________.

most scientists don't believe that plants release oxygen

the hypothesis that plants need light has been disproven by evidence

Bromthymol blue does not reliably indicate the presence of carbon dioxide

scientific investigations can show how the process of photosynthesis occurs


scientific investigations can show how the process of photosynthesis occurs