What was western Samoa called after it gain independence

After gaining independence in 1962, Western Samoa was known as the Independent State of Samoa.

When did it gain Independence

Western Samoa gained independence from New Zealand on January 1, 1962.

What method was used to gain independence

The independence of Western Samoa was achieved mainly through peaceful negotiations between Samoan leaders and the colonial power of New Zealand. The Mau movement, a non-violent civil resistance movement, played a significant role in advocating for independence and sovereignty for the Samoan people. This movement, led by various Samoan chiefs and intellectuals, staged peaceful demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience to assert Samoan autonomy and eventually led to the country gaining independence in 1962.

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The independence of Western Samoa was primarily achieved through negotiations between Samoan leaders and the colonial power of New Zealand. While there was some resistance and opposition to colonial rule, particularly through the peaceful Mau movement, armed resistance was not a significant factor in the independence process.

The Samoan people's desire for self-governance, combined with external pressure from the United Nations and growing global support for decolonization movements, played a role in pushing New Zealand to grant independence to Western Samoa. The peaceful negotiations and discussions between Samoan leaders and New Zealand officials ultimately led to the transfer of sovereignty and the establishment of the Independent State of Samoa in 1962.