Analyze the difference between the roles of mayor and city council members.(1 point) Responses The mayor is the legislator, and the city council is the judiciary. The mayor is the legislator, and the city council is the judiciary. The mayor is the executive, and city council members are legislators. The mayor is the executive, and city council members are legislators. The mayor is the legislator, and city council is the executive branch. The mayor is the legislator, and city council is the executive branch. The mayor is the executive, and the city council members are the department heads. The mayor is the executive, and the city council members are the department heads.

The correct difference between the roles of mayor and city council members is that the mayor is the executive, responsible for implementing policies and managing the day-to-day operations of the city, while city council members are legislators, responsible for passing laws, ordinances, and regulations for the city. The mayor may propose legislation and have veto power, but the city council ultimately makes decisions on policy. City council members do not serve as department heads, as that role falls under the mayor's responsibilities.