The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe

In two or more sentences, compare the perspectives used in these passages and analyze how they affect the reader’s understanding of the story.

"The Story of an Hour" is told from a limited third person point of view, focusing primarily on the thoughts and feelings of the main character, Mrs. Mallard. This perspective allows the reader to have insight into Mrs. Mallard's inner turmoil and conflicting emotions as she grapples with the news of her husband's death. On the other hand, "The Tell Tale Heart" is narrated from a first person point of view, revealing the thoughts and emotions of the unreliable narrator who is plagued by guilt and paranoia. This perspective creates a sense of unease for the reader as they are drawn into the disturbing mindset of the narrator, ultimately leading to a shocking revelation at the end of the story.