Explain how satyagraha helped India achieve independence.(1 point)


The noncooperative elements of satyagraha negatively impacted British influence in India. The nonviolent elements created international support after violent responses from the British.
The noncooperative elements of satyagraha negatively impacted British influence in India. The nonviolent elements created international support after violent responses from the British.
The cooperative elements of satyagraha encouraged Britain to negotiate with them. The nonviolent elements created international support after violent responses from the British.
The cooperative elements of satyagraha encouraged Britain to negotiate with them. The nonviolent elements created international support after violent responses from the British.
The noncooperative elements of satyagraha had little impact, but the nonviolent elements created international support after violent responses from the British.
The noncooperative elements of satyagraha had little impact, but the nonviolent elements created international support after violent responses from the British.
The noncooperative elements of satyagraha brought international attention as it created supply chain issues. The nonviolent elements made the British more willing to negotiate.
The noncooperative elements of satyagraha brought international attention as it created supply chain issues. The nonviolent elements made the British more willing to negotiate.

The noncooperative elements of satyagraha negatively impacted British influence in India and created supply chain issues, while the nonviolent elements gained international support after violent responses from the British. This combination ultimately forced the British to negotiate with the Indian leaders, leading to India's eventual independence.