Ki Tae uses 54 meters of fencing to make a 6-sided outdoor dog pen two of the sides of the dog pen are each 15 meters long the remaining 4 sides each have the same length

what is the length of each of the remaining 4 sides of the dog pen

Let x be the length of each of the remaining 4 sides.

Since two sides are 15 meters long, the total length of these two sides is 2*15 = 30 meters.

The sum of all 6 sides of the dog pen is 54 meters. Since we already have 30 meters from the two sides that are 15 meters long, the sum of the remaining 4 sides is 54 - 30 = 24 meters.

Since all 4 remaining sides have the same length, the length of each of these sides is x. So, the total length of these 4 sides is 4x.

We can now write the equation: 4x = 24.

Solving for x:
x = 24 / 4
x = 6

Therefore, the length of each of the remaining 4 sides of the dog pen is 6 meters.