Generate an image that illustrates the scenario where a high school senior girl, Leena, is engaged in a regular babysitting job. Ensure she is visually representing that she's working responsibly and independently. Show her making deposits into a checking account at a local bank. Another part of the image should suggest the idea of her struggling to obtain a credit card but without showing any disappointment. Make sure the image contains no text and is appealing and suitable for 6th-grade students.

Leena is a senior in high school. She babysits regularly and deposits her earnings into a checking account. She wants to get a credit card before leaving for college, but she is finding it difficult to get one. Determine whether Leena has a positive credit history, a negative credit history, or no credit history. Explain your answer.(6th grade)

Based on the information provided, we can determine that Leena most likely has no credit history. This is because she is a high school senior, meaning she is young and may not have had the opportunity to build credit yet. Additionally, the fact that she is finding it difficult to get a credit card suggests that she may not have a history of borrowing money and making payments, which is typically required to establish credit history. However, babysitting regularly and depositing earnings into her checking account shows responsibility and a potential for good credit habits in the future.