why would democratic party support raise themimium wage

There are a few reasons why the Democratic Party typically supports raising the minimum wage.

One of the main reasons is that Democrats believe in creating policies that help lift low-income workers out of poverty and reduce income inequality. Raising the minimum wage can help improve the standard of living for millions of low-wage workers and their families.

Additionally, Democrats argue that raising the minimum wage can stimulate economic growth by putting more money in the pockets of low-wage workers, who are likely to spend that money on goods and services, boosting demand for businesses.

Furthermore, Democrats see raising the minimum wage as a matter of fairness and social justice, as they believe that all workers deserve to earn a living wage that allows them to support themselves and their families.

Overall, the Democratic Party's support for raising the minimum wage aligns with their broader commitment to progressive policies that prioritize the well-being and financial security of working-class Americans.