why does constituents support the power to raise the minimum wage

1. Economic fairness: Many constituents believe that raising the minimum wage is necessary to ensure that workers are paid a fair and livable wage, especially in industries where low-income workers are prevalent.

2. Poverty reduction: Increasing the minimum wage can help lift low-income workers out of poverty and reduce income inequality in society.

3. Improved quality of life: A higher minimum wage can enable workers to afford basic necessities such as housing, healthcare, and education, leading to an overall improvement in their quality of life.

4. Boost to the economy: When workers have more disposable income as a result of a higher minimum wage, they are more likely to spend money, which can stimulate economic growth and create a cycle of increased consumer demand.

5. Social justice: Many constituents view raising the minimum wage as a matter of social justice and a way to address disparities in income and opportunity among different socioeconomic groups.

6. Support for workers' rights: Supporting the ability to raise the minimum wage aligns with broader efforts to protect workers' rights and ensure fair labor standards in the workforce.