Identify which was considered a cause of Decolonization and what was considered an Effect.

Causes -
The Democratic principles of the Atlantic Charter caused widespread desire for independence.
World War II weakened European powers, making them unable to maintain their empires.
Fragmentation caused by disregard for ethnic differences led to civil unrest under colonial rule.
Lack of infrastructure led to unstable economic and social structures.

Effects -
Many countries fell to authoritarian regimes, which led to human rights abuses.
Colonial regimes were substituted with similar governments like Apartheid in South Africa, which allowed for political and social segregation based on race.
A collective movement that brought together people of African descent all over the world through conferences like the Pan African Conference.
Single product economy led to economic ruin.
Joseph Mobutu, Idi Amin, Muammar Gaddafi rose to power.
Self determination led to people wanting to rule own government, which allowed many to be successful.

- Causes:

1. The Democratic principles of the Atlantic Charter causing widespread desire for independence.
2. World War II weakening European powers, making them unable to maintain their empires.
3. Fragmentation caused by disregard for ethnic differences leading to civil unrest under colonial rule.
4. Lack of infrastructure leading to unstable economic and social structures.

- Effects:
1. Many countries falling to authoritarian regimes, leading to human rights abuses.
2. Colonial regimes being substituted with similar governments like Apartheid in South Africa, allowing for political and social segregation based on race.
3. A collective movement that brought together people of African descent all over the world through conferences like the Pan African Conference.
4. Single product economies leading to economic ruin.
5. Rise to power of leaders like Joseph Mobutu, Idi Amin, and Muammar Gaddafi.
6. Self determination leading to successful governance for many.

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