A 20th century Egyptian was was memorial take the shape of a pyramid how does this memorial recall ancient design to honor the dead

The use of a pyramid shape for the memorial recalls ancient Egyptian design in multiple ways.

First, the pyramid shape itself is iconic of ancient Egyptian architecture, as the pyramids of Giza remain some of the most well-known and enduring symbols of ancient Egypt. By adopting this shape for the memorial, the designer is directly invoking this historical connection.

Secondly, the use of a pyramid shape for a memorial is a common practice in many cultures and civilizations throughout history, including ancient Egypt. Pyramids were often used as tombs for pharaohs and other important figures, serving as monuments to honor and remember the dead. By choosing a pyramid shape for the memorial, the designer is aligning the memorial with this tradition of using monumental architecture to honor and remember the deceased.

Finally, the use of a pyramid shape for the memorial can also evoke a sense of timelessness and permanence, as the pyramids of Egypt have endured for thousands of years. This can convey a sense of eternal remembrance and tribute to the deceased, echoing the enduring legacy of ancient Egyptian monuments.