What was your reaction to the Calculating your Carbon Footprint activity? Explain.

Do you think one, small, consistent change can really make a difference? Explain.

My reaction to the Calculating your Carbon Footprint activity was a mix of surprise and concern. I was surprised to see how much of an impact my daily activities have on my carbon footprint, and it made me more aware of the need to make changes to reduce my impact on the environment. It was concerning to see the amount of emissions I am responsible for and made me realize the importance of taking action to reduce my carbon footprint.

I believe that one small, consistent change can make a difference. While one individual's actions may seem small in the grand scheme of things, if everyone made an effort to reduce their carbon footprint, the collective impact would be significant. Making small changes, such as using public transportation more often, reducing waste, and conserving energy, can add up over time and contribute to a more sustainable future. It's all about individual responsibility and making conscious choices to reduce our impact on the environment.