Why are multiple levels of government necessary? Explain for federal, state, and county government. Include an example of a service provided by state and local governments in your answer.

Sentence Frame to fully answer the question.

Mulitple levels of government are necessary because ____. Federal is needed for ____. State is needed for _____, and provides citizens ______. Local is needed for ____, and provides citizens _____.

Multiple levels of government are necessary because they allow for better representation and organization of services for citizens at different levels of society. Federal government is needed for handling national defense, foreign policy, and overall coordination of state governments. State government is needed for regulating commerce within state borders, managing education systems, and enforcing state laws, and provides citizens with services such as public education. Local government is needed for managing public safety, transportation, waste management, and zoning laws, and provides citizens with services such as garbage collection and road maintenance.

For example, a service provided by state government is the administration of state-run universities and colleges, which provide higher education opportunities for residents within the state. A service provided by local government could include maintaining city parks and recreational facilities for the enjoyment of residents in the community.

Overall, multiple levels of government ensure that the needs of citizens are met and that services are provided efficiently and effectively at the federal, state, and local levels.