Assess in two ways how illegal dumping can violate one's human rights

1. Health and environmental impacts: illegal dumping can result in toxic chemicals, hazardous waste, and pollutants being released into the environment, which can have severe health consequences for surrounding communities. This can lead to respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other health issues for individuals living in the area. These impacts can violate the human right to a safe and healthy environment, as outlined in various human rights instruments.

2. Equality and non-discrimination: illegal dumping often occurs in marginalized and disadvantaged communities, perpetuating environmental injustice and environmental racism. This violates the human rights principles of equality and non-discrimination, as these communities are disproportionately and unfairly burdened with the negative impacts of illegal dumping. It also violates the right to access to information and participation in decision-making processes related to environmental issues that affect individuals’ rights and well-being.