ling arms to Iran to demonstrate disregard for Congress's laws against selling arms to Iran to support a rebel army bent on overthrowing Iran's dictator to support a rebel army bent on overthrowing Iran's dictator to support the democratic government in Nicaragua to support the democratic government in Nicaragua to send funds from the sale to support the Contras in Nicaragua

, despite the Boland Amendment which prohibited the use of U.S. funds for this purpose. This scandal, known as the Iran-Contra Affair, tarnished the reputation of the Reagan administration and led to several high-ranking officials being indicted. It also raised questions about the extent of executive power and oversight in matters of national security. Ultimately, the affair highlighted the need for greater transparency and accountability in government operations.

Why did members of Reagan's administration secretly sell arms to Iran during the Iran-Contra affair? (1 point) Responses to demonstrate disregard for Congress's laws against selling arms to Iran to demonstrate disregard for Congress's laws against selling arms to Iran to support a rebel army bent on overthrowing Iran's dictator to support a rebel army bent on overthrowing Iran's dictator to support the democratic government in Nicaragua to support the democratic government in Nicaragua to send funds from the sale to support the Contras in Nicaragua

Members of Reagan's administration secretly sold arms to Iran during the Iran-Contra affair in order to support the Contras in Nicaragua. The administration believed that supporting the Contras was crucial in the fight against communism in Central America and saw selling arms to Iran as a way to generate funds for this cause. Additionally, some officials were motivated by a desire to secure the release of American hostages held in Lebanon, which they believed could be accomplished through secret negotiations with Iran. Despite the legal restrictions imposed by Congress, these officials believed that their actions were justified in the interest of national security and promoting anti-communist efforts in the region.