Surface Area of Triangular Prisms Quick Check 5 of 55 of 5 Items Question Use the image to answer the question. The net of a triangular prism is shown. What is the surface area of the triangular prism? (1 point) Responses 5,936 square units 5,936 square units 5,684 square units 5,684 square units 5,768 square units 5,768 square units 5,668 square units

An illustration shows a two-dimensional net of a triangular prism with all of its sides open and visible. there is 5 shapes and the numbers on the shapes are 7 units, 25 units, 24 units, 100 units, 7 units, and 25 units.

To find the surface area of the triangular prism, we need to add up the areas of all the faces.

The area of the triangular faces can be calculated as:
1/2 * base * height
1/2 * 7 * 25 = 87.5 square units
1/2 * 7 * 25 = 87.5 square units

Since there are two triangular faces, the total area for those faces is 2 * 87.5 = 175 square units.

The area of the rectangular faces can be calculated as:
length * width
24 * 7 = 168 square units
100 * 25 = 2500 square units

Since there are two rectangular faces, the total area for those faces is 2 * (168 + 2500) = 5336 square units.

Adding the areas of all the faces together, we get:
175 + 5336 = 5511 square units

Therefore, the closest option is 5,684 square units.