rise of nationalism, belieft in a master race and

militarization were key components of the rise of fascism in the 20th century. Nationalism played a central role in fascist ideologies, emphasizing the superiority of one's own nation and the need to assert dominance over others. This belief in a master race was often tied to ideas of ethnic purity and the subjugation or elimination of perceived inferior races.

Militarization was also a core tenet of fascism, with fascist regimes often heavily investing in their military capabilities and using military force to achieve their expansionist goals. This militarization served to further reinforce the belief in the superiority of the fascist state and its ability to dominate others.

Overall, these elements of nationalism, belief in a master race, and militarization were crucial in fueling the rise of fascism and its aggressive pursuit of power and dominance in the 20th century.