how can you tell if a text is written in the third-person point of view

1. Look for pronouns: In third-person point of view, pronouns such as he, she, it, they, and them are used to refer to characters in the text. If these pronouns are consistently used throughout the text, it is likely written from a third-person perspective.

2. Character perspective: In third-person point of view, the narrator has a broader perspective and can provide insight into multiple characters' thoughts and actions. If the text describes events from multiple characters' perspectives, it is likely written in third-person.

3. Use of character names: In third-person point of view, character names are often used instead of pronouns to identify who is speaking or acting. If character names are consistently used in the text, it is a sign that it is written in the third-person perspective.

4. Objective tone: Third-person point of view often has a more objective tone, as the narrator is providing a more distant and impartial view of the events and characters. If the text maintains a consistent and objective tone throughout, it is likely written in third-person.