In fifteen points how is does Cetshwayo show ambition

1. Cetshwayo actively sought to consolidate his power within the Zulu Kingdom after his father's death, demonstrating a desire for leadership and authority.

2. He successfully navigated political alliances and rivalries within the Zulu royal family to secure his position as king, highlighting his ambition to maintain his position of power.
3. Cetshwayo's military campaigns and strategic alliances with neighboring tribes showed his ambition to expand and strengthen the Zulu Kingdom.
4. He sought to modernize the Zulu military and administration, showcasing his ambition to improve the strength and efficiency of his kingdom.
5. Cetshwayo's diplomatic efforts to establish relations with European powers, such as Britain, demonstrated his ambition to secure his kingdom's place in the global political landscape.
6. He actively sought to protect Zulu interests and sovereignty against encroaching colonial powers, indicating his ambition to defend and preserve his kingdom's autonomy.
7. Cetshwayo's resistance against British attempts to impose their authority over the Zulu Kingdom underscored his ambition to maintain Zulu independence.
8. He showed ambition in his efforts to reform Zulu society, such as through the abolition of certain traditional practices and the establishment of new laws and regulations.
9. Cetshwayo's engagement with Christian missionaries and adoption of European customs reflected his ambition to modernize and adapt Zulu culture.
10. His vision for a unified and powerful Zulu nation conveyed his ambition to elevate his kingdom to a position of prominence.
11. Cetshwayo's willingness to negotiate and compromise with colonial powers in certain circumstances further demonstrated his ambition to protect and advance Zulu interests.
12. He actively sought to promote Zulu culture and heritage through various cultural initiatives and projects, displaying his ambition to preserve and enhance the identity of his kingdom.
13. Cetshwayo's efforts to establish strong diplomatic ties with neighboring African kingdoms and tribes showcased his ambition to strengthen alliances and create a unified front against colonial encroachment.
14. His determination to resist British attempts to annex Zululand and maintain his kingdom's sovereignty highlighted his ambition to defend his people and territory.
15. Cetshwayo's ultimate goal of securing his kingdom's independence and prosperity reflected his ambition to ensure the stability and success of the Zulu nation.