describe the append query found in Ms Access

In Microsoft Access, the append query is a type of query that adds new records from one or more tables to an existing table. It is used to insert data into a table, either from one table to another or by manually entering data.

When creating an append query in Access, you can select the table from which you want to append records, specify the destination table, and map the fields from the source table to the corresponding fields in the destination table. You can also apply criteria to filter the records being appended, and sort the records before appending them.

Once the append query is run, Access will copy the selected records from the source table to the destination table, adding them as new records. It is important to note that the data being appended must have the same structure as the destination table, in terms of field names and data types.

Overall, the append query in Access is a useful tool for adding new data to an existing table without manually entering each record.