How have you seen God gifting some of your brothers and sisters in Christ with spiritual gifts?

I have seen God gift my brothers and sisters in Christ with various spiritual gifts such as the gift of prophecy, the gift of healing, the gift of discernment, the gift of wisdom, the gift of encouragement, and many others. I have witnessed these gifts being used to build up the body of Christ, bring hope and healing to those in need, and to spread the message of the Gospel to those who have not yet heard it. It is a beautiful thing to see how God equips each of us with unique gifts to serve His kingdom and bring glory to His name.

A shorter version of the answer.

I have seen God gift my brothers and sisters in Christ with spiritual gifts such as prophecy, healing, discernment, wisdom, and encouragement. These gifts are used to build up the church, bring hope and healing, and share the Gospel with others. It is amazing to witness how God equips each of us uniquely to serve His kingdom.

Is discovering your spiritual gifts exciting? Or perhaps it makes you nervous or self-conscious. What do you think God would say to you today about spiritual gifts?

Discovering your spiritual gifts can be both exciting and intimidating. It can be exciting to uncover and develop the unique ways in which God has equipped you to serve others and advance His kingdom. On the other hand, it can also be nerve-wracking or make you feel self-conscious, especially if you feel pressure to live up to certain expectations or compare yourself to others.

However, it is important to remember that God has intentionally gifted each of us in specific ways for a purpose. He would likely encourage you to embrace and cultivate your spiritual gifts with confidence and humility, trusting in His guidance and grace. Remember that spiritual gifts are not about performance or competition, but about lovingly serving others and glorifying God. Trust in God's plan for you and allow Him to work through your gifts for His glory and the benefit of the church.

A shorter version of the answer

Discovering your spiritual gifts can be both exciting and intimidating. God would likely encourage you to embrace and cultivate your gifts with confidence and humility, trusting in His plan for you. Remember that spiritual gifts are about lovingly serving others and glorifying God. Trust in His guidance and grace as you use your gifts for His glory.