The following dataset represents the number of eggs laid in the chicken coop each day for the past week. 5, 8, 0, 3, 2, 7, 4 In 3–5 sentences, find the five-number summary, create a box plot, and describe the distribution of data using the box plot and explain what the distribution means.

The five-number summary for the dataset is: Minimum=0, Q1=2, Median=4, Q3=7, Maximum=8.

The box plot would have a box extending from 2 (Q1) to 7 (Q3), with the median marked at 4. The whiskers would extend from 0 to the minimum and from 7 to the maximum.
From the box plot, we can see that the data is slightly positively skewed, as the median is closer to the first quartile than the third quartile. This means that on most days, the number of eggs laid is less than the overall average. It also shows that there were some outlier days where a significantly higher or lower number of eggs were laid compared to the rest of the week.