Discuss two advantages of using a single database in a hospital to manage patient


1. Improved data integrity and quality control: Having all patient data stored in a single database allows for better quality control and data integrity. It becomes easier to ensure that the information entered is accurate and up-to-date, as there is only one central source for all patient records. This can lead to improved patient care and treatment outcomes as healthcare providers have access to reliable and comprehensive information about their patients.

2. Enhanced data security and privacy: By consolidating all patient data in a single database, hospitals can more effectively implement security measures to protect sensitive information. Access controls and encryption can be set up to ensure that only authorized personnel can view patient records. This helps to maintain patient confidentiality and comply with privacy regulations such as HIPAA. In the event of a security breach, having data in a single database can also make it easier to track and contain the breach, minimizing the impact on patient privacy.