mrs. garcia is making bread using a total of 400 grams of gluten-free flour. the recipe calls for 70% of the flour to be almond flour. she needs to know how much almond flour to use.

how do you write 70% as a rate per 100? enter the numerator.

70% = ?/100

70% = 70/100

how many grams of almond flour does mrs. garcia need to use? complete the table.

almond flour: 70 ?
total flour: 100 400

To find out how many grams of almond flour Mrs. Garcia needs to use, we can set up a proportion based on the percentages given:

Almond flour / Total flour = 70 / 100

Let x be the amount of almond flour in grams that Mrs. Garcia needs to use:

x / 400 = 70 / 100

Now we can cross multiply and solve for x:

100x = 70 * 400
100x = 28000
x = 28000 / 100
x = 280

Mrs. Garcia needs to use 280 grams of almond flour.