There is a rectangular prism and pyramid with congruent bases and height. If the volume of the pyramid is 48 in.3 , what is the volume of the prism?(1 point)

The volume of a pyramid is given by the formula V = (1/3) * base area * height.

Let the base area of both the pyramid and prism be represented by A, and let the height of both be h.

Given that the volume of the pyramid is 48 in^3, we have:
48 = (1/3) * A * h
Multiplying by 3 on both sides:
144 = A * h

Now, the volume of a rectangular prism is given by the formula V = base area * height.

Since the base area and height of the prism are the same as that of the pyramid, the volume of the prism is simply:
V = 144 in^3.