What refer to food safety issues

1. Contamination: The presence of harmful substances in food, such as bacteria, viruses, chemicals, or foreign objects, that can cause illness or injury if consumed.

2. Cross-contamination: The transfer of harmful microorganisms from one food to another, usually through improper handling or storage, which can lead to foodborne illnesses.

3. Allergen contamination: The presence of allergens in food that can cause severe allergic reactions in individuals with specific sensitivities.

4. Improper cooking: Undercooking food can fail to kill harmful bacteria, while overcooking food can lead to nutrient loss and decreased food safety.

5. Poor hygiene: Improper handwashing, inadequate cleaning of utensils and surfaces, and lack of personal hygiene practices can contribute to foodborne illnesses.

6. Food fraud: The intentional misrepresentation of food products, such as mislabeling, adulteration, or substitution, which can pose health risks to consumers.

7. Foodborne illnesses: Illnesses caused by consuming contaminated or spoiled food, which can range from mild gastrointestinal symptoms to severe and life-threatening conditions.

8. Food recalls: The withdrawal of food products from the market due to safety concerns, such as contamination, mislabeling, or other issues that can pose a risk to consumers.