Examples of ethical dilemma in public sector

1. Whistleblowing: An employee discovers fraudulent activities or misconduct within the organization but is unsure whether to report it, fearing negative consequences on their job or reputation.

2. Conflict of interest: An employee is offered a lucrative job opportunity by a contractor that works with their agency, creating a conflict between their personal interests and their duty to act in the public interest.

3. Hiring decisions: A manager must decide between hiring a less qualified candidate who is a member of a marginalized group, or a more qualified candidate who does not belong to any underrepresented group, raising questions of equality and diversity in the workplace.

4. Allocation of resources: A government agency has to decide how to allocate limited resources, such as funding or services, among different communities or programs, leading to concerns about fairness and equity.

5. Privacy concerns: A public agency collects personal data from citizens for research or policy-making purposes, but must balance the need for data with concerns about privacy and security.

6. Environmental impact: A government project involves building infrastructure that may have negative environmental consequences, such as deforestation or water pollution, raising questions about the trade-offs between economic development and environmental protection.