Why was Alfonsina Storni's work controversial to some people in literary circles? Write your answer in English.

(4 points).

Alfonsina Storni's work was controversial to some people in literary circles primarily because she addressed themes of female sexuality, liberation, and independence in a boldly frank and unapologetic manner. Her poems often challenged traditional gender roles and societal expectations placed on women, which was considered radical and provocative at the time. Additionally, Storni's use of language and imagery, as well as her exploration of taboo subjects, further contributed to the controversy surrounding her work. Many critics viewed her poetry as subversive and disruptive to the status quo, leading to debates and disagreements within literary circles.

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In addition to the themes of female sexuality and liberation, Alfonsina Storni's work was controversial in literary circles for other reasons as well. Some critics found her writing style to be too unconventional and nonconformist, challenging the traditional norms of poetry of the time. Storni's use of free verse and experimental techniques was seen as daring and unconventional, making her work stand out and polarizing among critics. Furthermore, Storni's personal background and struggles, including being a single mother and facing societal judgment, added a humanizing dimension to her work that unsettled some readers who were uncomfortable with confronting the harsh realities of female experience. Overall, these various elements combined to make Storni's work contentious and divisive within literary circles.