what were some ways hawaiians benefitted from the annexation

1. Economic development: Annexation allowed for increased trade and investment opportunities with the United States, leading to economic growth and new job opportunities for Hawaiians.

2. Infrastructure development: The United States invested in developing infrastructure in Hawaii, such as roads, ports, and public utilities, which improved the quality of life for Hawaiians.

3. Education and healthcare: The annexation brought about improvements in education and healthcare services in Hawaii, with increased funding and resources from the United States.

4. Citizenship: Hawaiians gained U.S. citizenship following annexation, which provided them with the rights and protections afforded to American citizens.

5. Military protection: Hawaii became a strategic military outpost for the United States in the Pacific, providing security and defense for the islands and its inhabitants.

6. Cultural exchange: Annexation facilitated cultural exchange between Hawaii and the United States, allowing for the sharing of knowledge, traditions, and experiences between the two regions.