Romeo and Juliet : Act V

Scene 1:

In Mantua, Romeo receives a message from Balthasar informing him of Juliet's death. Distraught, Romeo resolves to return to Verona to see Juliet one last time before taking his own life. He purchases a vial of poison from an apothecary and heads back to Verona.

Scene 2:

Meanwhile, Friar Laurence's letter explaining the plan to Romeo fails to reach him. The Friar hurries to the Capulet tomb to be there when Juliet awakens. However, before Juliet wakes up, Paris arrives at the tomb to mourn her death. He encounters Romeo, who is already at the tomb, and the two engage in a heated battle. Romeo kills Paris and enters the tomb.

Scene 3:

Inside the tomb, Romeo finds Juliet still asleep and believes her to be dead. Overcome with grief, he drinks the poison and dies by her side. Moments later, Juliet wakes up and discovers Romeo's lifeless body. Heartbroken, she takes Romeo's dagger and stabs herself, joining him in death.

The tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet comes to a devastating end as the two young lovers are found dead in the Capulet tomb. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet bring an end to the long-standing feud between the Montagues and Capulets, as their families come together in grief and regret over the loss of their children.