Write an equation in slope form to interpret form of the tread line, on the graph y axis the line starts between 40 and 50 with clusters around it going down between 4 and 5

The equation in slope-intercept form for the trend line described would be:

y = -4.5x + 45

This equation represents a trend line that starts between the y-values of 40 and 50, with a slope of approximately -4.5, indicating a downward trend as x (independent variable) increases.

an equation in slope form to interpret form of the tread line

The equation in slope form for the trend line described would be:

y = -4.5x + c

Here, "c" represents the y-intercept, which is the starting point of the line between 40 and 50 on the y-axis. The slope of -4.5 indicates that the line decreases by 4.5 units for every one unit increase in x.